CategoryBernice Lewis & Brian Kalinec
About Bernice Lewis
Bernice Lewis has been a national touring artist for three decades. Her performing resume includes almost every..
Flamenco Night
Experience the passion and beauty of Flamenco in an intimate setting. Limited space, seating available. Please purchase tickets at the..
The Marmon/Boedeker Band
The Marmon/Boedeker Band is an amalgamation between the songwriting skills of Paul Boedeker and Mark Marmon. Paul
has been writing lyrics..
The Tao of the Social House
As we fast approach our one-month anniversary, I realize I’ve delayed sharing my thoughts… too concerned with getting things perfect, I..
Live music on the EQ deck: March 29 from 2 to 5 pm
Please join us on Sunday afternoon, March 29 for our first concert with Rose & The Thorns, a local group of bluegrass/folk/traditional..